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Dr Robert Edinger with Son David
Samples of My Efforts on Behalf of Applicants to Graduate Programs in Translation
Statements of Excellence for Professional Translators
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For more than 20 years, I have helped applicants from all over the world to get accepted to Master's Degree Programs in Translation and Interpretation.
Literary Translation Centre 2014 - Where are the Women in Translation?
Language certificates can provide proof of proficiency if you are already a working professional who needs to be fluent in another business language. If you decide to go for a master's degree, you can specialize in specific languages, interpretation, translation, or foreign or comparative literature. A master's degree in languages is good for anyone who wants to work as a conference interpreter or in more technical areas, such as localization, engineering, or finance.
Discussion about women in (literature) translation.
Translation Personal Statement of Purpose
I would be happy to provide you with a highly eloquent Statement that portrays you as someone with enormous potential to contribute to the advance of the field of Translation over the long term. After you fill out my Online Interview Form, I will ask you some specific questions by email if I need any further information. Please also send your resume/CV and or rough draft if you have one.
Women in Translation month
I want to help you get a Masters in Translation.
The first thing that one has to decide when researching translation programs is what kind of program one wants to apply to. You need to ask yourself first and foremost what kind of translator you want to be: a general translator or a translator with specific credentials such as in the areas of medicine, law, or literature.
A master’s degree or PhD in translation or translation studies generally refers to a comprehensive, general translation program. These programs are interdisciplinary and allow students to dabble in historical, literary, and scientific areas at the same time that they acquire a solid grounding in general translation skills. Computer skills are emphasized as an essential tool for translators and classes teaching the use and development of translation computer programs and glossary management are often a key component of these programs.
Graduates of translation studies programs are qualified to work in the private sector as freelance translators or for government agencies. PhD graduates often stay in academia and teach linguistics or translation studies. Like any comprehensive humanities degree, a Master’s degree or PhD in translation studies allows each student to tailor the program to his or her individual interests and the area of specialization that they want to develop. Graduate programs in literary translation leading to the MFA offer training in the theory and practice of literary translation. These graduate students generally build a specialization in one foreign language, although sometimes a program requires a candidate to specialize in multiple languages.
Court, medical, and conference translation programs are awarded at the certificate level. Dozens of translation certification programs exist in the United States and narrowing down the programs can require a lot of research. Some certificates are general French translation, German translation, Spanish translation, etc.; others are geared to a specific field: legal, medical, etc. General certificates function like the graduate degrees in translation studies, allowing for a translator to gain advanced study in the foreign language as well as to take courses specific to the profession.
Heroines of Translation
Sacagawea is an extremely famous interpreter. She played an important part in US history: she was the interpreter for the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Sacagawea was married to Touissaint Charbonneau, a trapper/interpreter from Quebec. The couple was chosen to join the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1804, because of Sacagawea’s Shoshone interpreting skills. Her presence on the expedition helped the party negotiate with the Shoshone, but it also kept everyone calm during the trip. Sacagawea had excellent knowledge of plants, so she could tell the explorers what was edible. In addition, just having her and her infant son on the trip signaled to Native Americans that Lewis and Clark came in peace: war parties did not tend to bring women and children along.
Lydia Callis
Lydia Callis was Michael Bloomberg’s Sign Language Interpreter. She rose to fame practically overnight in 2012, when people watching New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s televised press conferences noticed her signing right alongside him as he discussed Hurricane Sandy. Even people who didn’t know any sign language reportedly couldn’t take their eyes off her animated facial expressions as she relayed what Michael Bloomberg was telling the audience. The professional interpreter soon got her own fan base. She was followed by a parody on “Saturday Night Live.” Her popularity brought some much-deserved attention to the important profession of interpreting.
Sarah Winnemucca
Born around 1844 to the Paiute tribe in eastern Nevada, Sarah Winnemuca’s real name was Thoc-me-tony, meaning “shell-flower”.Winnemucca’s grandfather, Truckee, believed in peaceful coexistence with the whites, while Winnemucca had her own misgivings. Nevertheless, she accompanied her mother and grandfather to California, where she worked for white families and learned English and Spanish, as well as an understanding of white culture. Winnemucca and her sister Elma attended a Roman Catholic school until the parents of other students objected to their presence. They were forced to leave, but Sarah continued to develop her linguistic skills until she reached proficiency. In 1866, Winnemucca went to Fort McDermit with her brother, Natchez, either at the request of the Paiutes to help stop white raiding, or on the orders of the Army to explain Paiute unrest.
She would become an intermediary between the military and the Paiutes, convincing her father’s band to settle on a reservation and serving as a liaison during the 1878 Bannock War. After the end of the Bannock War, she became enraged by the mistreatment of Pauite captives and launched a campaign of lectures in San Francisco, Nevada, and the East Coast, even traveling to Washington, DC, to plead with the government to reform the system of corrupt agents, callous missionaries, and failing policy.
Despite meeting with Secretary of the Interior Schurz and President Hayes, the government failed to deliver assistance, and a movement to discredit Winnemucca emerged despite support from the military, the Unitarians, and some sympathetic officials. During this period, she wrote her autobiography, Life Among the Piutes: a colorful and personalized account of white-Pauite relations.
The book included her own stories of childhood terror of white people, whom she thought looked like owls. Winnemucca died in 1891, having spent some of the last years of her life working in a school in Nevada, where she taught Paiute children to respect their native traditions while learning the language and culture of the whites. She left behind a legacy as one of the most significant fighters for Native American rights in the 19th century, and we really do admire her immensely.